Research grant, research aid, Fellowship, prize, etc.

Research grant, aid, Scholarship, Fellowship, etc.

  1. Nakajima Foundation ( 2018/09 -2022/08)
  2. University of Lausanne, Ph. D Fellowship in life science ( 2018/09 -2022/08)
  3. Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) DC1 (04/2018 – 8/2018)
  4. Division of Multi-Disciplinary Sciences 2017 International Conference Travel Grants, 2017, 200,000 JPY, the University of Tokyo.



  1. SMB Poster Prize: Population dynamics Ecology and Evolution. (2020). Annual meeting of Society for Mathematical Biology (SMB).
  2. Outstanding Master’s Thesis Award (2018), Department of Multidisciplinary Sciences, the University of Tokyo
  3. Best poster award, 27th (2017) Annual meeting of Japanese Society of Mathematical Biology (JSMB)