Ph.D. thesis
“Two design frameworks for optimizing microbial community functions” Link
Abstracts for scientists and non-scientist are available in English. Les résumés pour scientifiques et non-scientifiques sont disponibles en français. Link
Journal paper
- S. Shibasaki** Y. Nakawake, W. Teteishi, S. Fujii, and R. Nakadai** (under
review) “Fear of supernatural punishment harmonises human societies with nature.”
preprint - S. Shibasaki and M. Yamamichi (under review) “The double-edged effect of
environmental fluctuations on evolutionary rescue.” preprint - S. Shibasaki*, R. Nakadai, and Y. Nakawake. (2024) “Biogeographical
distributions of trickster animals.” Roy. Soc. Open Sci. preprint Doi/10.1098/rsos.231577 Press release - S. Shibasaki** and A. Terui** (2024) “Food web complexity modulates
environmental impacts on food chain length.” Oikos preprint - S. Shibasaki, and S. Mitri. (2023) A spatially-structured mathematical model
of the gut microbiome reveals factors that increase community stability. iScience. preprint - A. Picot‡, S. Shibasaki‡, O. Peacock J., and S. Mitri (2023) Microbial interactions
in theory and practice: when are measurements compatible with models? Curr. Opin.
in Microbiol. 75:102354 DOI: 10.1016/j.mib.2023.102354 - R. Nakadai**, Y. Nakawake**, and S. Shibasaki** (2023) AI language tools risk sci-
entific diversity and innovation. Nat. Hum. Behav. DOI: 10.1038/s41562-023-01652-3.
All authors equally contributed - A. Yamauchi, K. Ito, and S. Shibasaki (2023). Competition model explains trends
of long-term fertilization in plant communities. Ecol. Evol. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.9832 - A. Yamauchi, K. Ito, S. Shibasaki, and T. Namba (2023). Continuous irregular
dynamics with multiple neutral trajectories permit species coexistence in competitive
communities. Theor. Pop. Biol. DOI: 10.1016/j.tpb.2022.12.003 - S. Shibasaki**, M, Mobilia, and S. Mitri (2021). Exclusion of the fittest
predicts microbial community diversity in fluctuating environments. J. R. Soc.
Interface 18:2021061320210613. preprint - A. Yamauchi, K. Ito, and S. Shibasaki (2021). Colonization process determines species diversity via competitive quasi-exclusion. Ecol. Evol. Pages 11: 4470-4480.
- S. Shibasaki and S. Mitri (2020) Controlling evolutionary dynamics to optimize microbial bioremediation. Evol. Appl. 2020;00:1–12. preprint,
- S. Shibasaki* (2019). The evolutionary game of interspecific mutualism in the multi-species model. J. Theo. Biol. (471), 51-58. preprint
- S. Shibasaki* and M. Shimada. (2018). Cyclic dominance emerges from the evolution of two inter-linked cooperative behaviours in the social amoeba. Proc. R. Soc. B. 285. 20180905.
preprint at bioRxiv - S. Shibasaki*, Y. Shirokawa, and M. Shimada. (2017). Cooperation Induces Other Cooperation: Fruiting Bodies Promote the Evolution of Macrocysts in Dictyostelium discoideum. J.Theo. Biol. (421), 136-145.
*corresponding author, **co-corresponding author, ‡ Equal contribution
Conference paper
- S. Shibasaki* and M. Shimada. (2017). Stochastic sexual interaction facilitates the evolution of asexual cooperation in the social amoeba. Proceedings of European Conference of Artificial Life 2017. 372-379. link.