
口頭発表 (査読あり)

  1. S. Shibasaki*, M. Mobilia, and S. Mitri (2021). “Exclusion of the fittest predicts microbial community diversity in fluctuating environments” Mathematical Population Dynamics, Ecology and Evolution. 2021, April 26-30. Online. Recorded talk
  2. S.Shibasaki* and S. Mitri (2019).  “Microbial public goods games in a toxic environment: to degrade or to resist?”  The 2019 Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology. 2019. Aug. 19-24. Turku, Finland.
  3. S.Shibasaki* and S. Mitri (2019).  “Microbial public goods games in a toxic environment: to degrade or to resist?'”  Mathematical Models in Ecology and Evolution. 2019, Jul. 16-19 Lyon, France.
  4. S. Shibasaki* (2018). The complex effect of the evolutionary rates on generalized mutualistic communities. 2018 Annual Meeting of the Society for Mathematical Biology & the Japanese Society of Mathematical Biology. 2018, Jul. 8 – 12. Sydney, Australia.
  5. 柴﨑祥太, 嶋田正和 (2018). 細胞性粘菌のマルチゲームがもたらす三すくみ共存動態, ゲーム理論ワークショップ 2018, 大阪
  6. S. Shibasaki* and M. Shimada. (2017). Stochastic sexual interaction facilitates the evolution of asexual cooperation in the social amoeba.   European Conference on Artificial Life 2017.  2017, Sep. 4-9. Lyon, France.

口頭発表 (査読なし)

  1. A. Yamauchi, K. Ito, S. Shibasaki, and T. Namba (2021). “Continuous irregular dynamics with multiple neutral trajectories permit species coexistence in competitive communities” Annual meeting of Japanese Society of Mathematical Biology. 2021, Sept. 14-16. online.
  2. A. Yamauchi, K. Ito, and S. Shibasaki (2020). “Species diversity resulted from colonization process with trade-off – Test in rank-abundance relationship” Annual meeting of Japanese Society of Mathematical Biology. 2020, Sept. 20-22. Nagoya, Japan.
  3. A. Yamauchi, K. Ito, and S. Shibasaki (2019). “Mathematical model of programmed cell death of unicellular organisms'” Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Mathematical Biology. 2019, Sept. 14-16. Tokyo, Japan.
  4. S.Shibasaki* and S. Mitri (2019). “Microbial public goods game in a toxic environment; to degrade or to be resistant?” The 66th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Japan.  2019, Mar. 15-19. Kobe, Japan.


  1. S. Shibasaki*, M. Sudário, A.Dos. Santos, and S. Mitrib (2021). “Finding the best spatial structures to maximize microbial community functions” Annual meeting of Japanese Society of Mathematical Biology. 2021, Sept. 14-16. online
  2. S. Shibasaki*, M. Mopbilia, and S, Mitri. (2020). “Fluctuating environments affect the strength of species interactions and diversity in microbial communities similarly”, 17-20, Aug., eSMB. (SMB Poster prize)
  3. S. Shibasaki* and M. Shimada. (2017). “Evolution of cooperation with the multi-game dynamics in the social amoeba”. Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Mathematical Biology. 2017年, 10月 6-8日. 北海道, 日本. (ポスター賞)
  4. S. Shibasaki*, Y. Shirokawa, and M. Shimada.  (2016). “The Evolutionary Game in Sexual Reproduction of the social amoeba.” 日本数理生物学会年会大会. 2016年 9月. 7-9日. 福岡, 日本.
  5. 柴﨑祥太*, 城川祐香, 嶋田正和.  (2016). 細胞性粘菌 Dictyostelium discoideum の有性生殖における協力と裏切り。 日本進化学会年会大会.2016年 8月 25-28日. 東京, 日本.

セミナー/ 招待講演など

  1. S. Shibasaki*, M. Mobilia, and S. Mitri “Environmental and demographic stochasticity together changes microbial interactions and diversity” mini-symposium of “Predicting ecological dynamics in fluctuating environments” at SMB2021 (USA). 2021, June 15th. Online.
  2. S. Shibasaki*, “Finding the best spatial structures to maximize microbial community functions”, Curiosity Seminars, Centre de Biologie Inté’grative (France), 2021, May 26th. Online
  3. 柴﨑祥太*. (2018). 相利的な群集において進化速度がもたらす影響. 生物部会 夏の交流会, 駒場, 東大

* 発表者